Is it possible for a irish psychology graduate to obtain work in the UK ? I am aware that there is an irish PSI and then there is the British Psychology society,
Psychology - 3 Answers
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1 :
My sister inlaw did her masters exam in Dublin for psychology and is now working in N.Ireland so i would say yes to your question.
2 :
Actually no. You would have to take the appropriate exams in the UK because the Republic of Ireland is not part of the UK. The UK consists of England, Scotland and Wales (Britain) plus Northern Ireland (only). Two countries exist on the Island of Ireland: Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland.
3 :
An accredited psychology degree from an Irish University allows for accreditation with the British Psychological Society. When it comes to post graduate qualifications you have to take a more course by course basis. So yes, you can obtain work in the UK.