I graduated about a year ago, so I can't go on any student programs. I'd love to do this working holiday I've been reading about, but I'm a US citizen. Does anyone know anything about how I might get a job/visa/whatever over in Ireland to work for about 6 months? I've visited once and have wanted to go back ever since. A change of pace, like living in Ireland, would be good for me. Please help!
Other - Ireland - 2 Answers
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1 :
You need to get a job offer first, then that company needs to show that they couldn't find an EU citizen able to do the job. Then you apply for a visa. The company will advise you on the proceedure. Its hard and slow and only possible if you have special skills. The UK is a lot easier and you can work in Northern Ireland with a UK work permit.
2 :
Go to google.Type in Irish working holiday visa...Then it will explain everything...I am pretty sure that you will get it no problem,the Irish love americans...i don't tink its easier to get into northern Ireland like that guy said..hope i helped in some way..gl 2u